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Companies that use industrial kitchen ,commercial  kitchen  , kitchen quipment , catering equipment and restaurant equipment must show  great importance  to the used nutrition and food  as much as preparation,cooking,serving and storing them  healthy and hygiene norms.


Hygience at Food Preparation and cooking


If the food  prepared and cooked  by inappropriate methods  below listed result will occur:

1 Flavor , appearance, color, consistency will be unsatisfactory

2 Nutritional value is lost.

3 The most important point is the food hygience quality could be lost and food becomes poisoning that can harm to our health.During the preparation and cooking  the following points should be noted .


Important points of  Preparation and cooking


· Raw and cooked foods should be prepared separate places and  separate tables.

· Sperate tools,tables and chopping blocks should be used for Meat , fish, poultry and vegetables

· Chopping boards for different foods in different colors chosen to allocate from each other .

· Processing hygiene of the staff should be provided.

· Cross- contamination of foods should be avoided.

· All the salad ingredients should be kept 5C ° or below .

· Disposable gloves should be used for preparing raw foods .Hands should be washed  before contact   to the other foods .

·All the surface of  Sink units and other  equipment used for preparation should be clean entirly .

· Especially raw chicken , meat, and fish,preparation tables surface should be clean after each use.

· Vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly with plenty of water .

· Preparation of mixtures containing  risk potentiall and long waiting period should be kept at 5C ° .

· Especially  meat grinder and meat boards cleaned  every 4 hours and disinfected after being used again .

· The kitchen will never be in contact with the dirty cleaning hoses .

· Potentially hazardous foods cooking times and temperatures,should be observed and recorded.Digital display food thermometer should be used.This kind of food  which central heat reach to  75C ° degrees in 2 hours should be kept at least 2 minutes at the same heat level  .

· Hygienic methods of control should  be followed of testing the cooked meals by using sperate spoon or fork .

· Frozen food is used, the dissolution process should be done in an appropriate way . ( Cold storages 4- 7C ° ) . Frozen foods should not be defrosted at room temperature , and defrosted foods  never be frozen again .